Archive for Federal parole

COVID-19 and Elder-assisted hearings

Parole Board of Canada hearings have generally moved to WebEx, which has created some challenges. For example, Elder-assisted hearings may not be available for Indigenous prisoners. In Elder-assisted hearings, those involved traditionally sit in a circle and an Elder is…

Parole Board of Canada hearings move to WebEx

The Parole Board of Canada announced this week that Parole Board of Canada hearings are moving to WebEx. Prior to COVID-19, hearings occurred in-person, with Board Members, parole officers, lawyers, and observers generally attending in-person. Since the pandemic began, hearings…

How do parole appeals work?

Prisoners can appeal decisions of the Parole Board of Canada to the Appeal Division. In addition to appealing a denial of parole, prisoners can also appeal the conditions imposed on parole or statutory release. Prisoners need to submit their appeals…

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